Written by Benjamin Lolmaugh
The crazed Ridaz of Da Waaagh! The Savage Boarboy Maniaks embody the impetuous nature of all the orruks. Barely contained fury that gives them the strength to hunt down prey.
As of General's Handbook 2019 these bad boys come in at 140 pts for 5 and Battleline only in Bonesplitterz The package comes with the ability to create 10 Savage Boarboy Maniaks or 10 Savage Boarboys equipped either with Chompas and Bone Shields or Stikkas and Shields. Once again, Games Workshop created a box that you could buy and buy and buy and still be satisfied with your purchased.
At first glance the Stat Wheel and weapon profile is actually pretty decent. Very fast, 3" faster than they were in the last book. This movement can be modified several ways. 1st is Tireless Trackers for the free 5" movement before the game starts. The unit's musician, the Boar Thumper adds 2 to the charge rolls. Which frankly is needed on a unit that is extremely fragile. Breath of Gorkamorka would be a good choice to cast on the Savage Boarboy Maniaks. On 6+ you will double their movement to 24" and give them FLY. On a successful cast that is doubles, you will triple their movement to 36". Fantastic! No longer do you have to worry about terrain or chaff screens before hitting those lone heroes or fragile missile units. 3 wounds is good on a mounted unit. 3 Wounds is good for a mounted unit on a 60x35mm base. The wound count makes it tempting to heal with a Wardokk's Grimdokk Dance. A 6+ save is as terrible as it gets. If you use them in a Bonesplitterz army, you do get your Warpaint save for another 6+ save but don't expect them to stick around. The only way to modify this is to a Wardokk's Glyphdokk Dance or by being in cover. Bravery of a 6 is pretty poor and you won't be fielding this unit in large enough numbers to really benefit from those Bravery bonuses. The Bone Totem Bearer does add 1 to your Bravery, bringing your the unit's Bravery to 7. Defense isn't where Savage Boarboy Maniaks shine, its offense. So let's take a look.
Savage Boarboy Maniaks are all armed with a Pair of Chompas and their boars are armed with Tusks and Hooves. A whopping 4 attacks each! Each hitting on 4+ and then 3+. But combined with Maniak Fury, in units of 5 or more, they get an additional attack on their Pair of Chompas. 5! Combined with the boars attacks that's 7 without any other buffs.
The boar mounts are no slouches either. Hitting and wounding on 4+ with 2 attacks. And on the charge they get a bonus +1 to Hit and +1 to Wound due to the Tusker Charge rule. Brutal Beast Spirits would be great when cast on a unit of 10 Savage Boarboy Maniaks, on the charge they would be dealing 51 attacks 3+ 3+ No Rend 1 damage and THEN 20 more attacks at 2+ 3+ No Rend, that's averaging 34 saves that your opponent has to make.
The Savage Boarboy Maniaks work great in any Bonesplitterz Warclan. They can be absolute missiles.
Icebone clan is the boar clan. -1 Rend for Wound rolls of a 6 is pretty useful, especially considering how many attacks these Savage Boarboy Maniaks throw out in one turn. The Icebone command ability Freeze and Run would let your Maniaks retreat at the end of the combat phase if their are wholly within 18" of an Icebone hero. This could be used to absolutely devastate a chaff screen, anvil unit in the enemies' deployment zone and then activate to steal an objective 12" or more away. Extremely useful in those battle plans. The clan artefact, Kattanak Pelt is useful for armies fielding many units of Savage Boarboy Maniaks. This will bring the units Bravery to 8 or even 9 if within 18" of a Rogue Idol. That's a serious improvement and will certainly mean that the Maniaks will be sticking around to wreck enough havoc,
Drakkfoot clan is great. Strength of Purpose allowing you to ignore the effects of Ethereal but without rend on the Savage Boarboy Maniaks it doesn't matter much but the second part is much more useful. No save-after-saves can be taken against attacks from Drakkfoot units. There are several armies that you will face in tournament that will give you a hard time even if you play right. Many of these "scary" armies depend on the ability to shrug off wounds and keep killing. That won't happen against Drakkfoot units. Blocks of Hearthguard, Witch Aelves, any Death unit, Phoenix Guard, all lose those save-after-saves. Additionally when facing magic heavy armies,The command ability, Shout Down Da Magic can be useful to prevent any debuffs about to be cast on your precious boarbois by allowing you attempt a dispel. You won't be getting a +1 for 20 or more models, that would cost at least 560 pts.
Big Waaagh armies will most likely avoid Savage Boarboy Maniaks as they lose their Battleline status. You could create a characterful and fun force of just pigs. Using 3 units of Goregruntas as your Battleline, but now you have a problem generating Waaagh points and out-pacing your Warchanters and general to generate those points.
+ Fun to Paint
+ Fast
+ Lost of attacks
- Fragile
- Low Bravery
- 1" Range
Snaga Rukk - 120 pts. Battalion units wholly within 12" of the Maniak Weirdnob can re-roll charge rolls. I'd pass unless I was taking 4 units of Savage Boarboy Maniaks. The Maniaks move fast enough, can be buffed in the Hero phase with additional movement, can move an extra 5" before the game starts, and get a bonus on the charge rolls that this really isn't necessary. You can still re-roll for a command point but save 120 pts.
If you're looking for a fast kickass unit that will cause chaos before exploding, you'll find nothing better than Savage Boarboy Maniaks. Sure they have low Bravery and a terrible Save, but they can chop up anything with 5+ save in one combat phase. Two units of 10 work great as a hammer to the anvil of 2 blocks of 30 Savage Orruks.