As of General's Handbook 2019 these bad boys come in at 100 pts and a Leader selection for Bonesplitterz and Big Waaagh. One of the cheapest Heroes and Leaders for Bonesplitterz or Big Waaagh. Also one of the cheapest in terms of purchasing at your FLGS, coming in at $15. The tip of the foot is fused with the rock on the square base, but with some careful trimming and a little GreenStuff you can fix it no problem. No only do you need this guy for several useful battalions, once he starts getting into the thick of the enemy, he won't feel like the tax he was before.
The Stat Wheel is pretty bad of a combat foot hero to be honest. 5" is standard for non-aleves. He can be moved before the game starts with Tireless Tracker which may have to happen if you aren't careful setting up within range for Kunnin Rukk or Brutal Rukk. So lets call that a plus. Of course you could cast Spirit of Gorkamorka on him, but unless you have a specific plan, like battle plans that require Heroes on objectives, you will probably have something better to cast it on. 6 Wounds is pretty good for a non-mounted Hero on a 32mm. Opponents will have a hard time one-shoting him with D6 Damage weapons considering you also get your Warpaint after-save. 6+ Save is absolutely terrible, but that comes with the territory of being a muscle-bound, naked Orruk Chad. You could use the Wardokk's Glyphdokk Dance, but it would be a waste. The Bravery characteristic of 7 doesn't really matter too much except when facing those Bravery-Bomb armies such as Legion of Grief. The only modifier you can get is being near a Rogue Idol to get a Bravery of 8.
The Savage Big Boss is armed with a Boss Chompa. Range 1" is fine, he just needs to squeeze into a gap. 6 Attacks hitting on 3+ wounding on a 3+ at -1 Rend for 2 Damage. Is fantastic at 100 pts. Its the same profile as the Ironjawz Megaboss, who is 150 pts. This model is begging to wield the Sword of Judgement! Having so many attacks, and an in-built +1 to Hit from Monster Hunters Stab! Stab! Stab! ability means you can average 7 mortal wounds onto a Monster or Hero Monster. If you decide to cast Brutal Beast Spirits, you'll average 10.5 mortal wounds! That's before normal damage from the other attacks. You'll find out soon enough that a Savage Big Boss can put a Terrorgheist, a Stegadon or a Spirit of Durthu down no problem. Just don't rub it in when it happens...
Let Me At 'Em is a terrific ability and often overlooked. After this model has attacked, a Bonesplitterz unit (NOT IRONJAWZ or ORRUK) that hasn't fought yet, immediately fights. NEVER forget to use this ability when you can. This will catch a lot of people off guard. Not only that, the Savage Big Boss has a useful command ability in Savage Attack. This can only be put on a Bonesplitterz unit (NOT IRONJAWZ or ORRUK). This allows any 6s to Hit in the following combat phase deal 2 hits instead of just 1. There is a little designer's note in the Orruk Warclans book by the Bonegrinz warclan entry that states that abilities like this CAN stack.
So all that for only 100 pts. Not too shabby.
The Savage Orruks work great in any Bonesplitterz Warclan and is often mandatory is many lists. Big Waaagh armies with Kunnin Rukks will need one too.
Bonegrinz has another stackable ability in the command ability, Feel Da Spirit, which gives causes a 6 to hit to deal 2 hits instead of 1. You could give the Savage Big Boss the warclan artifact, Maw-Krusha Beast Totem for a shitty shooting attack but if you give him any artifact, Sword of Judgement is the way to go.
Icebone clan is okay for the Savage Big Boss. Allowing him to do -2 Rend on wound rolls of 6. This can be useful for those high Save armies such as Petrifex Bonereapers or Stormcast Eternals but can't be relied upon. The clan artifact, Kattanak Pelt can find a place with the Savage Big Boss as he will most likely be travelling the middle of the horde giving out that +1 Bravery bottle. A good runner up for warclan selection.
Drakkfoot clan is great for the Savage Big Boss. With his Rend the clan trait, Strength of Purpose, is always useful. Since it now can reduce the Save of Ethereal units. The second part of Strength of Purpose that allows you to negate any after-saves is especially useful on a Savage Big Boss with Sword of Judgement. Many Heroes and Heroes riding Monsters have after-saves or will be buffed to have an after-save or several after-saves. Looking at you Ghoul King on Terrorgheist and Frostlord on Stonehorn. Well they don't get ANY of that. All that protect is just gone against a Drakkfoot Savage Big Boss. Even if you only put a 8-10 wounds on a monster like that, Let Me At 'Em kicks in and your Savage Orruks can kill whats left.
Big Waaagh armies might use a Savage Big Boss and it's because they are taking a Kunnin' Rukk. That's completely reasonable. In this case your Big Boss will have to stay between the two units in the battalion. I'd pass on any artifacts unless you can't find anyone better like a Mawkrusha to carry one.
+ Cheap in points
+ Only $15 USD
+ Lost of 2 Damage attacks
+ Great abilities
- Fragile
- Will be targeted
Brutal Rukk - 140 pts. 840 pts at optimal size. Battalion units wholly within 12" of the Savage Big Boss can run and charge. This can be fantastic! Let Me At 'Em will definitely get its uses in when your units smash into the enemy lines. Please note that there is no unit cap on the units in this battalion so this battalion is a great opportunity to grab 2 units of 30 Savage Orruks. 840 pts and 124 wounds, thundering towards the enemy lines with wild abandon.
Kunnin Rukk - 140 pts. 720 pts at optimal size. Absolutely in 99% of my Bonesplitterz and Big Waaagh! lists. This battalion is too useful not to use and the Savage Big Boss is crucial. The Savage Big Boss will have to play to father to each unit and its a bit of a juggling game. Staying wholly within 18" of the Arrowboys to let your Arrowboys sling 60 arrows in the Hero phase and wholly within 12" of the Savage Orruks in the combat phase for the Savage Attack command ability.
Teef Rukk - 140 pts. 640 pts at optimal size. Give +1 Attack to anything is great. Giving +1 Attack to attacks with -2 Rend and D3 Damage weapons, its amazing. If you're fielding 2 or more units of 4 Big Stabbas you need to be taking this battalion. 140 points, that's an extra artifact, an extra Command Point and 8 extra attacks at 3+/3+/-2 Rend D3 Damage. That's another 6 Damage on a 4+ unit or 10.5 on a Monster. DO NOT FORGET that the wording on the battalion ability gives the Savage Big Boss an extra attack, bring him to 7 attacks at 3+/3+/-1 Rend 2 Damage. A great opportunity to use that extra artifact for Sword of Judgement!
Just As Deadly as a Ironjawz Megaboss, as cheap as a Freeguild General and as characterful as a Squig and ONLY 100 points. The Savage Big Boss can fight if given the right artifact, can buff any Bonesplitterz unit and has a fantastic ability to jump activation in combat. I'd say he's an always include but if you're taking a Brutal Rukk or a Kunnin' Ruff or a Teef Rukk you have to take him anyways. He just is not longer the tax he was before.
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